Enjoy the comforts of home in any of our 34 cozy guestrooms, each offering amenities such as satellite TV, air conditioning, a small refrigerator, microwave oven, coffee maker and a private bathroom. On-site luxuries include a gym, guest laundry facilities, and an elite restaurant serving fresh local favorites, seafood standards and vegetarian specialties. Our recreation options are unmatched by Puerto Rico inns, from our game room to our pool, basketball and volleyball courts, hammock area and kids’ playground.
Enjoy the comforts of home in any of our 34 cozy guestrooms, each offering amenities such as satellite TV, air conditioning, a small refrigerator, microwave oven, coffee maker and a private bathroom. On-site luxuries include a gym, guest laundry facilities, and an elite restaurant serving fresh local favorites, seafood standards and vegetarian specialties. Our recreation options are unmatched by Puerto Rico inns, from our game room to our pool, basketball and volleyball courts, hammock area and kids’ playground.
P O Box 1746 Yabucoa,,
Local: 787-893-4423
Puerto Rico
With splendid beaches near cities and on remote islands, Puerto Rico's museums, historical sites and restaurants practically play second fiddle.